Why that way

„I paint what inspires me, as much as possible in the outdoors to capture the atmosphere of places and to keep magical possibilities of this technique.”

Grzegorz Schnotale was born in Moncton, county New Brunswick, Canada. Shorlty after his birth parents returned with him, to their native country, to Poland. In 2010 he entered Cracow University of Technology to study architecture and urban design. Year 2013 began with his solo exhibition in Cracow at Magazyn Kultury in Kolanko No.6.

Speech at Magazyn Kultury Kolanko No.6 in Cracow
Speech at Magazyn Kultury Kolanko No.6 in Cracow

Magazyn Kultury Kolanko No.6 with Anna
Magazyn Kultury Kolanko No.6 with Anna

In 2013 he also took part in international scholarship at Hogeschool van Amsterdam in Netherlands. This experience has great impact on his development. Beautiful and inspiring city of Amsteram led to solo exhibitions and many painting voyages. Atmophere and values of „North Venice” resulted in fresh and juicy paintings.


Painting show, Rembrand Art Market in Amsterdam
Painting show, Rembrand Art Market in Amsterdam
Bike time!
Bike time!


Grzegorz Schnotale was also invited to become a member of Rembrantd Modern Art Market Foundation. In 2015 he studied at Technische Univesitat Munchen.

Grzegorz Schnotale is currently living and working in Munchen, Germany. He is fluent in  English, Polish and German.